My name is Shuhada. I am 21 years old. currently study at University Utara Malaysia, Sintok,kedah. Welcome to my Blog :) My Story
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| Hijab Fashion
Tips For Those Who Don't Wear Hijab/Headscarf
One of the most difficult decisions many Muslim sisters face is the
decision to start wearing hijab. This is true for converts, but also
sisters who come from muslim families that have a lack of knowledge about their islamic duties.
For many sisters, it can be a struggle to wear hijab because once you
start wearing your hijab or headscarf, you are suddenly announcing to
everyone who sees you that "I am a Muslim". So here are some Tips
to help you gain the knowledge and confidence to wear hijab.
Tip 1: Learn About Hijab
There is so much information out there and so many sisters that
cover, so either read or talk to someone with islamic knowledge. Once
you know the reward and wisdoms for wearing hijab, it will help erase
any of your insecurities and misconceptions.
Various statements are made about why you should wear hijab, such as
for modesty or for protection, but the real reason why muslim women
wear hijab is because Allah has commanded it. And Whenever anyone
asks you, why do you dress like that, that is the only answer you need to give them.
" And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and
guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except
what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings
(khimars) over their bosoms (jaybs), and not display their ornaments
except to their husbands.... "(Qur'an chapter 24:verse 31)
Tip 2: Experiment with different forms of head cover.
Most sisters, approached hijab in several stages.
The first step is to learn about hijab. Usually the next stage is
the wearing of modest clothing such as the blouse and jumper, tunic
and long skirt. The later stage is to experiment with wearing some
form of headcover or hat. And the final stage is to wear the hijab or headscarf.
Asma daughter of Abu Bakr, entered upon the prophet muahmmed while
she was wearing thin clothes. Muhammed turned his attention from
her. And said: 'O Asma', when a woman reaches the age of
menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of
body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands.'
(Narrated Aisha in Abu Dawud hadith 2:4092)
Set a day and when that day comes, do it. Don't back down, don't make
excuses and don't give up. Just Do it!
Ask Allah to give you strength.
Ask Him to make it easy for you.
Ask Him to help you.
Remember He is always there for you.
Remember how much He has given you,
Remember that He deserves this from you.
Remember the promise of Jannah.
Don't worry about tomorrow. Just concentrate on getting through
today, and leave tomorrow to Allah until it gets here.
Tip 4: Surround yourself with good practising sisters
The issue of choosing the right friends is essential for strengthing
your faith. Befriending Muslims that have knowledge and that pray 5
times a day on time is an essential means for enhancing your belief and character.
Tip 5: Don't judge sisters already wearing hijab, they're not your role model
Many sisters use the fact that some sisters that wear hijab are not
religious and commit haram as an excuse as to why they don't feel the
need to wear hijab. But who cares about other people, what they do is their business
Allah will judge them, and Allah will also judge you for what you did and didn't do!
We cannot judge islam based on the actions of some muslims, the faith
is perfect people are not, and the commandments of Allah have been
set and we are obliged to follow them.
Tip 6: Remember Allah S.W.T. Loves you
Even when it seems like the whole world is against you, Allah is
always there for you when you turn to Him. And we must remember
that Allah knows best and has promised paradise to those who remain
steadfast in their faith in Him and who trust in Him.
Yes, it maybe difficult to wear hijab due to lack of`confidence, you
may be rejected by your family or your friends. But if you have
patience and keep trusting in Allah, you will know that it was worth it and have no regrets.
True courage is going ahead to do what's right even though you are
still nervous and scared. So ignore the worries and fears and the whispers of shaytan.
Never feel that you are alone, or that you are the only one who is
scared and worried and nervous. Just about every other sister who has
travelled down this road has gone through the same things
Example of Hijab/Headscarf
Colourful scarf
Aidijuma scarf
Fareeda scarf
Pashmina head scarf
Syria scarf
Awning scarf
Such a nice hijab and scarf ^_^
Try it!
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